I've been tracking the blog from a fellow in England, Adrian Sudbury, who was diagnosed with 2 different types of Leukemia. Which is very, very rare for something like that to happen. He is an amazing guy at the young age of 26 who has brought so much awareness, understanding, courage, happiness and hope to many people all over the world. I had been checking these last few days knowing that it was only time for him to go home. He died last night with his mother and father by his side. If you think your day is bad, like I do myself sometimes, just go and read about this truly phenomenal young guy, and all that he has done, it's very humbling.
For I am a person who lost my Papa (grandpa) last year to Cancer, an aunt with a very rare lung disease when she was only 42 and other people close to me. I know how important it is for all of us to understand how important having support is and being informed. My friends 18 year old son tragically died Aug. 4Th, the family was devastated. He was swimming and did a flip into the water and landed on his back and broke his neck. When the family saw he did not
come up from the water 12 men jumped in the water and a stranger pulled him out. His father and two other men performed CPR on him and got a pulse but it was too late he was brain dead and there was nothing that anyone could do. Since he was 18, he was very healthy, his family gave the gift of life and saved 7, that I know of, other peoples lives with donated organs from "Papo" (Nelson Torres)

So, go donate some blood and get on the national registry, who knows...you could just save someones life!
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