Thursday, May 29, 2008

84 DAYS!!!

Am I really counting? Yes! of course I am...I downloaded my new passport application and I found out I can take it to the court clerk here in Claremore to send for it again. So, the US government website says it's faster to do it that way. We'll see. GF along with the accompaniment of Stephan took care of some of his school documents. BRAVO!! I think all the papers will be in order for him to hop the pond with me and come back to the US. He said that the equivalent of the hours for his schooling was 1280. I knew it was much more but...WOW!! I don't think I'd survive school internationally. Can you imagine going into your academic advisers office and them tell you...Yes, you need 1280 credit hours to finish this degree. I think all of us in the US take for granted how easy we have it a lot of the time.

I spoke to GF this morning on the phone. It's good to hear his voice on the other end of my phone. We don't talk on the phone that often. It's a nice change to hear him and to speak to me and well...I can't wait to see him. I keep wanting to pinch myself. I just want to hug his neck as we say down here in the south.'re very IMPORTANT to me!! Ignore what I say sometimes my family makes me crazy!! (doubtful he'll read any of this, his connection is awful)

I'm going to buy a new camera, I'm not sure what kind I want. There are fantastic places and buildings I want to take pictures of. The's my passion. Old and beautiful things and I've seen some of the views. I may not even want to come home....but I will. (that was for Melissa) These next many weeks and couple of months are going to be hectic. At the end of it all is the light at the end of my tunnel.....GF!! I really can't wait to see him and the "englishes" as they are commonly lovingly thought of this way and Danilo...what to say about Danilo?...he's a lovely chap!!

I'm looking forward to seeing Chiaramonti and want my dear GF does in his everyday life. Plus, I get to walk down the street and have a lot of people wonder who I am...well, I don't think it is as exaggerated as GF puts it, I think naturally people are just curious and he is so private he doesn't want anyone knowing anything and wants me for himself....yes, I think that sums it up. I laugh to wait until the entire town knows how long it will take...we could play a game. How long before everyone knows?? We could lay down bets. lol. Ok, he'd be mad if he knew I was laughing about this...but I'm not laughing at you baby just the idea makes me laugh. So, I take the first bet...I say 36 HOURS!!!

I've added some pictures of the town. Obviously I didn't take them, I actually saved them from GF's Uncle Carlo and cousin Vladimiro's website. So, if you can read Italian or Sardo it's a great site, but they do have great pictures of Chiaramonti and things that happen there such as the festivals or carnivals. So, as you requested a couple more pics...and you can always see more from Stephan's pics on FLICKR the link to his pictures are to the left under the links.
(isn't the sea amazing? there aren't words to describe it, but I get to SEE IT!! are ya'll jealous yet? lol)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

In the beginning...

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth......ok, wait! This isn't the beginning I was talking about. This is the beginning of something wonderful. This story starts sometime ago...and I won't say ends in about 3 months...I'll say it EVOLVES in about 3 months. Definitively, August 20th I will fly from the Tulsa International Airport to ROME!!

(this image is taken by a can see more of his pics at:

If this wasn't cool enough, my journey doesn't end there. I'll stay one night in Rome and the morning of the 21st I will fly on Ryanair (thanks to Ste, which he told me to check out and it's much cheaper...grazie amico!!) across the sea to the beautiful island of Sardinia into the Alghero Airport. From there I have to travel about 60 KM I'm told to the little but seemingly wonderful village of Chiaramonti.

If you stumbled across this site or whether you are a friend you might be wondering of all the places to go in Italy why and where is Chiaramonti? It is a small quaint village described this way by a friend who lives there in the province of Sassari on the island of Sardinia which sits off the coast near Rome. (google it) This is the "where"...the "why" is kind of a long story. There is this guy...(don't all good stories start with this We will call him GF because most everybody refers to him as such. He has become the light of my life, the butter to my bread, in other words instead of using all these cheesy sayings...."sei molto importante per me Gian"....that's something we say, roughly meaning he is important to me. I would normally add a picture here, but I think he'd kick me arse...:) Maybe later....(ok so I came back and added this picture. I figure I'm safe because this is the one he uses for his MSN) we shall see....ahahaha

I'm very smitten with GF, and I think everyone knows it. Though GF tells me I'm exaggerate, which maybe I am a little but between us....I think he likes it! He's a wonderful person, beautiful inside and out and his voice...boy...can he sing! His music moves me, he is amazing! The purpose of my visit? Well, hoping all the papers are done, he will come back with me to the US!!

This is what I like to call an International Love Story...our love story... :)