Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Insurance Companies
Posted by Countdown to Chiaramonti at 8:33 AM 0 comments
New Years in Colorado
Our new Car covered in snow, and the many HUGE ice cicles that hang off the houses!

Posted by Countdown to Chiaramonti at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Off to see the Wizard....
This was Gianfrancos first Halloween I think he thought it was fun, it would have been more fun if the kids hadn't complained so much. Lol. This year Paige had a lot more fun, she kept trying to go into people's houses and we got tremendous compliments on the kids costumes and several took their pictures.
Posted by Countdown to Chiaramonti at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Carnevale 2009 Chiaramonti, Italy
Carnevale 2009
Posted by Countdown to Chiaramonti at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
It's been a long time...
...since I've been proud to be an American. I didn't watch Obama be sworn in yesterday (I was in class) but his first speech as President of the United States was...well...I don't have any words. I do live in the greatest nation in the world. We've not had much we can be proud of lately...these past many years. We've not had a President that we could say many good things about. I know myself have been so tired of the same NOTHING happening all the time. For so long we have lost sight of what our nation means. We've lost sight of the treason our forefathers would have been committing had we not won the war and a nation was born out of the ashes and rubble. I may not agree or have not agreed with a lot in Obamas campaign to become President, but I hope he can breath a new life into this nation, break down the doors of the entire political system :) (because for the most part...IT SUCKS) and restore the respect to our country...
Posted by Countdown to Chiaramonti at 4:02 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Expensive Passports...Payback Time!!
Americans who owe child support had better pay up! If they want to do any travelling outside the United States. These new rules mean that the deadbeat "Moms" or "Dads" who owe more than $2500.00 in back child support must pay their debt before being issued a passport. In some cases the cost is plenty. An American musician had to pay $46,000.00 to his ex-wife for the back child support before he could get a passport to go overseas on tour. But for some it's bitter sweet victory. A lady in Washington, Teresa Markley, received a $24,000.00 check in the mail for her back child support payments that had accumulated over two decades. Her children are grown now, but she says the money gives her validation for the hard times she lived through, which included going on welfare when her children were small.
So, in ex-husband better not want to get a new passport anytime soon. This is a small victory for single parents who struggle or have struggled. Men or women think they can just bring children into the world and forget about them, or think sending you $50.00 here or $75.00 there will and is ok. This makes me laugh, I'd like to be a fly on the wall when some of these people get a call or a letter in the mail stating...(and I'm paraphrasing) "Sure, we'll give you a passport...the cost will be $8000.00..." If you have kids take care of them and don't send them a Wii as a lame excuse for not seeing them either.
The total amount collected so far since this new rule has been implemented just for 2007 is 22.5 Million Dollars!! That number however is a conservative total they say because some states report the amounts to the Federal Office of Child Support and some do not. This is just one of several tools that the government has to combat the child support issues we have in the US.
A lady ask this question to someone from the Los Angeles Times...
"Question: My husband is on a court-ordered plan to repay child support arrears of more than $10,000. Recently, he applied for a passport, and he was denied because of these arrears. If we continue to pay as agreed, it will be years before he can leave the country. Should he, and others like him, not be given the opportunity to see the world even though he’s paying as ordered?
Marisa Duke-Potter
Columbus, Ohio"
Her husband Jeffrey Potter said in an interview he got into the typical angry spouse mentality. One ex does this and the other retaliates by not paying their child support. I ask where it stops. Yes, you can get angry, but go to court if they are keeping the kids from you and this is why you are not paying. This was his excuse. So, the Potter family wants to go on a vacation. Well, why not take the money for the vacation and pay off what you owe. DUHHH!!! Yes, he should be held responsible and YES IT IS FAIR!!! He didn't do what he was supposed to, I get mad at a lot of things, but that doesn't mean I go out and blatantly break the law or do something that hurts my kids. See? They don't think, they just think they are giving money to "you" and especially for the parents I like to call part-time parents. They've no idea the money, patience and love it takes to raise kids on your own. All they can see is they are handing over money to their ex or punishing their ex for not doing what they are supposed to. This is why we have a court system to hold everyone accountable for their own actions. In the end, us "ADULTS" survive, it's the kids that suffer.
The author of the LA Times story ended it very well and it made me laugh. "In reality, paying for kids, whether through support or in person, means you get to go to at least one interesting place – the poorhouse. But not to worry. You’ll have plenty of great traveling companions."
On a side note-I still don't have my passport...(but I do KNOW I don't OWE any child support) Lol!
Posted by Countdown to Chiaramonti at 1:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Adrian is gone...

Posted by Countdown to Chiaramonti at 10:32 PM 0 comments